What is a Lifestyle App?

What is a Lifestyle App?

One of the things you care about as an individual is that you are making the right lifestyle choices, which primarily include your finances and bills, health, productivity, and even your leisure activities. All these represent various aspects of your lives that you want to manage effectively. Among the myriad of applications available, lifestyle apps have carved out a significant niche. But what exactly is a lifestyle app? In this article, we highlight key features of a lifestyle app, what distinguishes it from non-lifestyle apps, and tips for choosing a lifestyle app that best suits your needs.

Lifestyle apps vs. Non-Lifestyle apps

Lifestyle Apps vs. Non-lifestyle apps

A lifestyle app is a mobile application designed to help you manage your lifestyle. It is created with the sole aim of improving the quality of life of its users by offering services and functionalities to cater to their preferences, habits, and daily routines. Lifestyle apps cut across several categories like health and fitness, diet and nutrition, fashion, travel and home improvement, and personal finance.

In recent times, there has been some confusion on what constitutes a lifestyle app, and the boundaries of what does can sometimes be blurred. There is a class of apps closely resembling lifestyle apps that we can tag as ‘non-lifestyle apps’ or refer to as functional apps. These comprise a range of applications that serve practical, operational, and entertainment purposes beyond your lifestyle improvement.

So what makes an app a lifestyle app?

An app donned the “lifestyle app” tag focuses on enhancing personal well-being and improving various aspects of daily life through personalized and convenient digital solutions. Below are some characteristics you can observe in a lifestyle app:

1. Personalization

They provide personalized content and services based on user preferences, habits, and goals. For example, a fitness app like Nike Run Club creates customized workout plans you can choose from, and a nutrition app like MyFitnessPal offers you an enormous food database, food insights, calorie counter, etc., to help you monitor your nutrition, switch up your eating habits and even lose weight.

2. User engagement

A lifestyle app includes interactive elements like progress tracking and goal setting to keep users engaged and motivated using reminders, push notifications, and gamification elements such as achievements, badges, or rewards. They take it a step further by allowing users to connect with friends, share achievements, and participate in community challenges or social networks within the app.

3. Focus Areas

Lifestyle apps have specific or collective focus areas. Some examples include:

  • Health and Fitness: monitors physical activity, exercise routines, and overall health. Some common examples are Nike Run Club, Strava, Fitbit, and MapMyRun.
  • Diet and Nutrition: offer dietary advice, meal planning, and nutritional tracking. Examples include Yummly, Lifesum, Cronometer, etc.
  • Fashion and Beauty: provide fashion tips, beauty tutorials, and style recommendations. We have Pinterest, Sephora, and Stylebook to the rescue.
  • Travel: assist with travel planning, booking, and exploring new destinations. Airbnb, TripAdvisor, and Booking.com are good examples.
  • Home and Living: focused on home organization, decoration, and smart home management, e.g., Houzz, SmartThings, and HomeAdvisor.
  • Personal finance: helps users manage their finances, budgeting, and investments. Some examples include Mint, YNAB (You Need A Budget), and PocketGuard.

4. Data Integration and Analysis

Lifestyle apps include features that track your data over time, providing insights and analytics to help you understand your progress and make informed decisions.

We can see that some apps we had in mind did not fall into the class of lifestyle apps. I wonder, is Spotify a lifestyle app? Yes? No? Read on.

What do non-lifestyle apps look like?

1. Productivity and Office apps

These apps enhance your efficiency and productivity in a professional or academic setting. E.g., Microsoft office suite (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint), Google workspace, Asana, Slack, etc.

Productivity apps

2. Utility apps

Utility apps are tools designed to perform specific functions that are generally practical and operational rather than personal or lifestyle–oriented. This includes your calculator, QR code readers, and antivirus apps.

Utility apps

3. Entertainment and Educational apps

These apps provide entertainment and educational content to you. Entertainment apps usually include media streaming, gaming, and social networking platforms. Here we have Netflix, Spotify (Yes, it is not a lifestyle app), YouTube, PUBG, COD, Coursera, Duolingo, and Khan Academy.

Entertainment apps

4. Business and finance apps

While some personal finance apps can be considered lifestyle apps, business-focused finance apps are generally not. They instead cater to business operations, financial trading, and other corporate needs, e.g., Salesforce, Bloomberg, Robinhood, and even your bank apps.

Business apps

5. Communication apps

These apps facilitate interaction and communication between users. They aid in messaging, calling, and social networking. Examples here include WhatsApp, Zoom, Skype, and X.

Communication apps

Now, you can tell lifestyle apps apart from the rest. But how do you choose the best app for your lifestyle needs?

How to choose a lifestyle app?

Choosing a lifestyle app that best suits your needs involves considering several factors to ensure it aligns with your personal goals, preferences, and daily routines. Keep the following in mind when picking one:

Your Goals and Needs

What is the primary purpose of the app? Are you looking to improve your fitness, manage your diet, track your finances, or enhance your fashion and beauty routine?


Look at user reviews and ratings in the app store to get an idea of the app’s performance, reliability, and user satisfaction. Also, check out expert reviews and comparisons from trusted tech and lifestyle websites for a professional perspective on the app’s features and usability.

Features and Personalization Options

Ensure the app offers the features you need, such as tracking capabilities, personalized recommendations, community support, or integration with other devices and apps. You must choose an app that allows you to customize settings, goals, and notifications according to your personal preferences and lifestyle.


Is the app compatible with your device? Be it iOS, Android, or any other gadgets you might use (smartwatches, fitness trackers). These apps should be able to integrate well with other apps or services you already use, such as health-tracking apps, calendars, or social media platforms.

Privacy and Security

Check the app’s privacy policy to understand how your data will be used and protected. As a requirement, the app should have robust security measures in place. Be mindful also of the permissions the app requests and ensure they are necessary for its functionality.

We have better information to select a lifestyle app. But I dare say that this is a lot to keep in mind for several lifestyle apps you will come to use. With more and more apps you would soon lapse into app fatigue. So what can we do about it?

What if there was one app that does everything?

At JIN TECH, we are creating a one-stop solution Lifestyle App that becomes your ultimate destination for all your lifestyle needs. You would no longer need to keep tabs on the many lifestyle apps you have on your device. In the Lifestyle app, you have everything you will ever need in one place at your fingertips. No more app switching, no multiple notifications for all the apps, no app fatigue, only peace of mind, simplicity, and convenience. Interesting right?

Lifeestyle app

Curious to get a taste of this game-changer? Sign up on the waitlist now and be among the first set of people to experience an app unlike any to ever exist.

Kudos to you! You made it to this point. Now you know how to tell a lifestyle and functional app apart, you are better equipped to choose your next app wisely. As you pay attention to your lifestyle choice go along with a Lifestyle App that will help you accomplish your goals conveniently and efficiently. Until next time, I recommend that you read this article on App fatigue, trust me, you need it. Adios✌.

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